I used to always write them up in MS Word first, but it seems that's creating resistance as to getting back into my LJ flow here. So I'm going straight to the LJ browser and going to hit this LJ stuff again! I'm tired of my forgetful nature and if I don't journal, I literally will have a harder time remembering what was going through my head when I look back. 2013 I want to get serious again about LJ. I know some of you are still out there. And if you're not... I write to myself. This is a public, but I think my privacy friends locked posts will become more ubiquitous. there's a lot of stuff that I see happening in the next 12 months, and some of it isn't going to be stuff I want the entire world to read about.
Quick 2012 RunDown
Settling into teaching Bikram Yoga. Settling back into the Real World after TT still. Wanting to teach a better class and 100% focused on Yoga, Yoga, Yoga. Amber's 1st birthday.
Feeling the thrill of gaining confidence on the podium and how good it feels to be a Bikram Yoga Instructor... all Yoga, all the time. Fritz Turns 8! Discovered Grandma in a bad state in their house. Family drama begins.
I bought Sunshine, my Happy Red Convertible... absolutely not what I pictured I'd buy. Fell deeply in love with it.
Family drama continues. James leaves Melissa and returns to the family.
6 year anniversary with one of my favorite people ever: Jim.
Aspired to memorize Deacon for OTO. (Fruitless by the end of the year, but I wanted it.) GR.
Still teaching. Wanting to be more Dialogue.
Feeling lucky with my dating life, and the people who love me.
Teaching Yoga in Kirkland. Happy about that.
Family drama settling, but not quite there.
Grandma in nursing home. Visiting as much as possible, taking a lot of Yoga in Burien before and after visits to Grandma.
Drinking coffee with her in nursing home. Telling her how special she is to me and the family.
How special she always was... especially when I had chances to be one on one with her. I'm not good at emotions when the rest of the Burien crew are there. Grandma's final living birthday.
Visit LA, teacher training! See Katty and Annemarie.
Drive to Vancouver to meet Australia Joel.
See Katty in her home with Robin. <3
Stress with family ... court, lawyers, restraining orders, elderly people... Grandma and Grandpa.
Grandparents 60th anniversary.
Stress, emotions high....threshold low for life.
I witness mortality more and more.
I witness lawyers more and more. Good bye money...
Take on financial management for Grandparents somewhere along the line. Was it April? March? May? I can't remember.
Lianna and I fight and falter.
James' first birthday back in the family!!!
Grandma dies.
I try and leave Jim.
Wishing I had a Yoga practice of my own.
Teaching Yoga in Redmond. Happy about that.
Audition for Rite of Sol. Make it on cast. Am so, so happy...
Start rehearsing for Rite of Sol. Not sure what the hell I am doing!!!
Teaching Yoga in three studios.
Celebrating me and Jim being strong. Working on us and glad I didn't close the door.
Learning how to sing.
I Turn 28.
Falling in love with Rite of Sol cast.
Still learning how to sing.
Happy with life. Feel like life is so amazing.
Happy with Jim.
Teaching Yoga. Practicing More Yoga to prepare for the Rite of Sol.
Lots of work at Issaquah. Julie leaves Issaquah.
Balance waning. Feeling overwhelmed.
Can't organize my life.
Struggling to find balance.
Final month before the Rite of Sol.
Visit Vegas, learn things about friends I don't like. Feel upset and grateful for my loves at home. Especially Jim.
Honor Jim in a new way. He is compassionate. Honor JS in the same way.
Meet SoundGuy Sean. Start carpooling... (dot dot dot...)
Flirt with Sean like I flirt with everyone.
Perform in Rite of Sol.
Take time off teaching in the early month, and over do the teaching with a double schedule at the end of the month.
Start dating Sean technically after opening night of Rite of Sol. (wasn't looking for number 3. Thank You, Universe).
Accept inevitable. Fall for Sean.
Burn myself out teaching Yoga.
Watch my life turn topsy turvy. Things shifting. Dynamics changing.
Hard to see up from down. Communicate, communicate, communicate.
Still teaching Yoga, sparingly.
Stop freaking out about primary relationship statuses
Agree with Jim that we have something special and we're not at all interested in giving it up for the foreseeable future.
Agree with Sean we have something special and we're totally interested in building more in the future.
Ring in the New Year with both my sweeties at a party full of some beautiful lesbians and some other awesome badass folks.
Decide to do the HCG diet in January.
James' divorce is finalized.
2013 arrives.