Coming back to Balance

Sep 14, 2012 08:52

I’ve set foot (body part intended here) in a Yoga studio twice this week on the other side of the podium, finally. And it was everything I thought it would be. Two classes makes a huge difference. If I wasn’t a proponent of what the Yoga does for people before (hah) it’s apparent to me when I am unable to go in for even 2-4 classes a week. My biggest recommendation: Daily Yoga.

My schedule IS truly clearing up a little, and I will be finding a sense of balance. It felt like it wasn’t coming, I felt over whelmed for just a moment. I think if Jim and I continue to work together, we’ll actually succeed. Prognosis, for the first time in months - (the melodramatic woman inside of me wants to write “for what feels like the first time ever!!!” but that, my friends, is wholly inaccurate).
Digression: Prognosis of success for our home is good. I think we can do this.
Prognosis for connection and strength in each other is improved at the moment.
I’m doing some things with my diet at the moment, nothing crazy. No 100% raw food run - but it does entail working towards raw for a few days in the middle. At this point, this isn't a big deal to me. This being essentially much less restrictive than things I’ve experienced in the past, with gentle movements on either end of a 10 day plan, alongside the entrance of less foot pain and more Yoga… is a recipe for what I see as resolving my issues. One day maybe we’ll get a "house cleaner," but today - is not the day because that one is a huge one to swallow for me. Sorry to make that sound dirty. (Pun intended.)

Needless to say, managing closely what I am eating and making sure I have more regular intervals, remembering that I don’t have to do 100% everything just because someone at work asks me to, and realizing that just like in previous years, all of this stuff passes one way or the other. It’s not like I didn’t survive other flurries of work. Funny on that note, because then I was able to tackle my entire list and finally catch up on work, in spite of a very short work day yesterday.

Among other things bringing me back to center. ;)

Also taking time to do things FOR me, and taking time specifically to connect with Jim.

I think it is safe to say if I take them all step by step and not worry as much about the larger picture, things will fall into place. I see where my priorities are. I do need to resolve our house, as always. But that doesn’t have to happen overnight. I’ve written that before. I do think the Mister is more on board with this, this time. Perhaps writing it all out allowed me to begin sorting out what I didn’t feel like I could sort out before. I do have a history of thinking via written word, much, much, much better than verbally. I dislike that some of the time - it makes communicating verbally a different thing for me. But it does have some benefits, I suppose.

Off to continue staying caught up on my shit on a Friday afternoon.

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