Quick post

Jul 13, 2009 13:10

I am doing a 30 day early riser trial.
I am on day 4 of getting up at 5AM, no snooze button.

So far, so good. (This includes weekends).
I find I am able to get stuff done in the early hours. Especially before Jim gets off his shift. See, if he gets off work at 8AM, I've already had 4 hours of empty morning house.
I am determined to change the cluttered house and provide myself with the house I dreamed of when we bought this place.

If I alternate between nice, easy workouts for rehabbing, and house cleaning (which seems just as hard on my damn IT bands) then... well, I think I can accomplish what I want!

I have 1 perfect place in my house currently: My Temple Space.
It is just how I want it. It has become my refuge from the rest of the mess.
Now to work from my walk in closet, and towards the Den - and then down to the first floor, and possibly the bedroom, little by little I seriously plan to conquer my 874 clutter and ... live a nice, shiny existence. And Jim can keep his room however he likes.

I should clean more, but honestly. I'm sort of bored with it. I might head out to see mother dearest. Jim stayed up until almost 1PM, which means he will sleepsleepsleep until late evening, no doubt. No need to hang about here. Not until tomorrow morning, when I will commence a mini-cleaning session before work.



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