Nov 25, 2004 07:19
so i found these 2 articles in newsweek..its like a magazine if you didnt know that.
"as a proud kerry voter, i watched the media's postmortem election coverage wiht deep consternation. I am most concerned about their handling of the "morality" issue. My morals don't seem to count in the view of pollsters. Let me tell you a bit about Blue State morality. I voted for Kerry, strictly on moral grounds, because i believe the bush administration is fundamentally immoral. Starting a pre-emptive war that results in the death of thousands of soldiers, women and children is immoral and not , in my mind, supportive of bush's so-called culture of life. Nor is executing retarded people or polluting our children's air and water or handing a huge debt to the generations to come. What is morality? Morality is feeding the hungry, caring for the sick and waging peace. Morality is tolerance and love for those who might differ from us. Didn't Jesus tell us to turn the other cheek? Didn't he tell those of us wihtout sin to cast the first stone? In the years to come, when huge debt is wreacking havoc on our economy, we are wheexing through pulluted air and few of us can afford health care , i wonder if all those who voted for Bush will look at their suffering children and say to then, " Take heart, honey. at least gays can't marry!"
*Eliza Vancort Ithaca, N.Y.
I am a white. christian male from the south, and i voted based on my moral values, not my economic interests. These values include respect, tolerance and charity. Restpect for all people, even those who disagree wiht me or hate me. for we are all images of the divine. Tolerance of each person's choices, whether religious, political , or personal , for we are all sinners. Charity for thsoe less comfortable than I, for we are all subject to the frailties of the physical world. i am a white Christian male from the South, andi voted for John Kerry.
*David S. Curcio Houston , Texas
wow... ilove those two people and the rest of the people that agree!
our country is doomed with bush.. ENOUGH SAID!