Feb 28, 2011 14:21
A vicious vacuum cleaner (nothing to do with me, I swear...) assaulted the laces (lace? That sounds like a doily) of one of my boots. I went to Target to get a new pair. When I got them home, I found they were to short.
I went back a few days later to exchange them. The customer service rep told me to grab a new pair. I did, returned to her and asked her if I could open them up to make sure they're the right length. She said no, that was against store policy. Of course, she added, I could pay for them, then open them, then immediately return them if they weren't right.
The look on her face as she explained it was the look many of us have had, you know she was thinking "managers, what fools". Some policy nerd in corporate decided that it somehow made sense to waste the time of both the customer and cashier and a bunch of managers felt that was a good idea.
Yet they're the ones who are employed...