Sep 17, 2008 16:53
I just found out something you may not heard about.
In 1994, Joe Biden pushed legislation through Congress to say that State, local and Indian governments must provide free rape kits to victims if they wished to receive federal funding. You see, many governments still blamed women for being raped and charged them for the tests.
However, if a government didn't want federal funding, it could still charge for the kits. What's coming out in the news is that Wasilla, Alaska, charged for them up until 2000. Palin, of course, was mayor of that town while they were charging. She didn't put a stop to it, she supported it. Alaska's legislature heard about it and passed a law in 2000 to end the practice in the State. That's why it ended, against Palin's will.
Some of you may say that McCain will think differently, he's not a radical and won't let Palin push through similar things in their Administration. The problem with that is simple. McCain voted against Biden's bill in 1994, long before his "conversion" to right-wingerhoood. Also, he voted against funding the bill just last year.
Let's forget Choice and bad economic policies. Do we really want, in the 21st Century, a President and VP who think it's the woman's fault for getting raped?