It's a youtube clip of a CBS news interview with Matt Damon. He's asking some simple questions that the media isn't asking. For instance, when Charles whats-his-name interviewed Palin, he should have asked Palin if she believes dinosaurs walked the earth 4,000 years ago. That's what creationists claim and it's what she claims to be.
After all, do we really want someone who think science is that wrong running our country? If you think Shrub stepped on scientific research, you 'aint seen nothing compared to what Palin would do.
We all, of course, know what the Republicans will say. "Hey! He's another of those 'Hollywood types'! They should stay out of politics." That is the repeated lie they make that is wrong in two key ways:
1) Why do actors have less right to talk about politics than any other citizen?
2) Reagan, Eastwood, Grandy, Schwarzenegger, Bono and the Republican puppy who spoke at the convention after losing his bid for the Presidency (forgot his name).
Republicans have thrived by using those "Hollywood types". They just keep hoping that the Democrats will continue to ignore the clear lesson.