Well, My laptop is finally for sale on Ebay, good riddance. I forgot about this LJ thing, whoops.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5223594319&category=4602&rd=1 Check that hot baby out, It ain't cheap but Hey, Apple sucks. Workin Hard at FedEx, making lots of mulah. New girl I like, In hot pursuit. Rut officially over, back in the saddle.
Thinking about Getting TiVo....anyone here have it and thinks it Rocks beyond any belief? I am hoping it is able to be worked with the campus TV. Since due to a mixup in housing I am now living in Willkie. Oh well, I am happy about that place and hopefully I will get a D parking spot instead of a dreadful E parking spot. Cause if that's the case NO WAY am I gunna have a job. I need to get out of this class about racism cause here what the first day will include.
"Okay, today class we will tell you how all white people are Racist, and Republicans are responsible for all of it." Need they forget if it weren't for Republicans there would still be slaves. Oops, left that detail out of the history books now didn't we. Meh. I'll suffer through it and just argue with my teacher. It will be class #2 I got my speaking priveledges revoked.