Aug 20, 2007 07:31
last night i had a weird dream. basically, it was about zombies. i got up and wrote about it, then went back to bed and had another dream. read more below:
first, an introduction: there weren't a lot of zombies actually in the dream, but they were the basis for the "plot," and they weren't really like normal movie zombies, because this was some weird dream, i'll explain more about them later. it was a very long dream and spanned several different locations and times. as far as characters, if i name someone you don't know, it's one of my friends, either from huntsville or vanderbilt or whatever, i'm just naming them and that's all. ok, everything that follows is the unedited stuff i wrote right when i woke up at 7:30:
it started out in a restaurant of some sort, i think a chicken finger type place, but it wasn't there for long.
the next part was in a classroom type room in a really big building, which was either a mall or right next to a mall. i was with a small group of people, including patrick greene, anna tygielski, dylan barr, jessie newton, and i think one or two more that i can't recall. this was right near the outbreak and it was the scariest part.
eventually went outside because we needed to find food or water or something, and were in a big parking lot outside a mall, and that's where i think almost everyone i was with was eventually bitten, although i never really saw it. there weren't masses of zombies walking around, but they were definitely around, maybe they were quick i dunno. it was sad as i realized little by little that the people had been bitten. i think dylan barr was the last one out of that group. i think i was by a Vanderbilt dorm at some point after this, but only briefly.
This middle part is hazy, don't remember the connecting bits.
later i was in a very old building, like a large house or apartment building. i was with at least some of my family, i remember my dad and philip, and i'm not sure who else, but we were in that building for a while. this section was more like we were hiding out, we didn't really go outside at all. i remember sitting on a bed with philip at one point. there was some kind of weird old lady who had a semi-secret room in the house that i went to with someone else, she had all these really old things and was like drinking tea or something with a bunch of weird people. i can't remember why we went there but there was a purpose. i think someone was taken during this part that was very sad to me, but i don't remember who it was.
the last setting was in some kind of weird collection of buildings. i don't really remember our main base of operations, and i don't really remember who i was with, but this part was the longest and the final part. this segment mainly consisted of making trips to stores to get supplies for survival. from where we were we had to walk a few blocks to get to the nearest stores, so we were going through streets to get there. by this point the epidemic and hysteria was starting to become more controlled and normal, so that there were lots of zombies out in the streets but normal people could also walk amongst them and be ok as long as they were careful, and by the end it was starting to be almost no big deal to be around zombies, it was weird. i guess they became more controlled or docile or something. there was still an element of fear though. backing up a little, at first it was still more dangerous venturing out to the stores, and we were in a small group, i don't remember who. i think my uncle steven might have been with us. one time when we ventured out i had a fork in my hand that was supposedly for "protection" (i never used it). i found this place that was a shoe store, and it was empty, so i went inside. i remember this store most vividly of anything in the dream. inside, i found that almost all the shelves were full of cans of soup. i grabbed lots of kinds: chicken noodle, tomato, vegetable, i don't remember what else, but i grabbed a bunch of cans and maybe put them in a bag to take. the store was on this small street with a bunch of stores, which is where we sent groups to get supplies. i went to the store a few times in the dream. on one trip i took a pair of shoes (later it was just a shoe store, no soup) that were cool, i felt kind of bad because i was stealing them, but it wasn't like the store was going to be open. another time, there was someone else in the store, not someone working, but someone else collecting stuff i think. we had an argument about something, don't remember what. eventually he/she left and this time i took i think another pair of shoes and some clothes (this time there were more clothes in the store along with shoes). i also found this back room full of junk, lots of old stuff. tapes and records, and stuff you'd find in an old garage. uncle steven came back there and found me and told me we needed to go, but i wanted to take a few of the things, so we grabbed a broom or two and a dust pan, because we figured they would be really useful. i remember walking through the streets more at the end as well, when it had become fairly safe. it was weird, it was kind of like things slowly returned to normal. lots of people were dead and there were still zombies, but it was almost like things went back to the way they were before, very un-apocalyptic.
obviously i went back to sleep after writing this, and as i was preparing to post this, i just remembered that i had another dream during my second, shorter sleep. It was about moving back in at Vandy (which I am doing on Saturday). I was actually moving into the correct dorm building that I'll be living in this year (apartment style dorm with 5 other guys). My roommates weren't my real ones, though. One was right, Matt, but the rest were wrong. There were I guess four others, but I only remember two specifically, one was Dave Hughart, another was Clark Bedsole, another was a bigger guy that i might have known but not very well, and i don't remember the fourth at all, if he was even there. Both of those guys are friends of mine, but they are living off-campus this year in real life. Matt and I were moving in at the same time i think, and we brought up all of his stuff (he didn't have much) to the suite and were looking around and setting stuff up. all my stuff was still in the car. Dave (Hugs, as we call him) has brought a bunch of stuff to decorate the suite, and it was all laboratory themed, the cups were like beakers and test tubes and there were these huge containers that were like big beakers and they were mostly plastic and brightly colored, kind of like toys. a lot of stuff in the suite was lab themed. (In real life, Dave is starting engineering grad school at Vandy this year.) eventually I realized i needed to go out and get my stuff from my car and move it so i wouldn't get a ticket, so i was trying to get matt to come help me bring it up (apparently it would have only taken two people to bring it up in one trip). we/he kept doing stuff in the suite though, or we were getting held up by stuff, or whatever. so for some reason i went to try and get my laptop fixed. my power cord wasn't working or something, and i was trying to go to IT to get it fixed or get a new one, except i didn't actually take my computer with me, i just took the empty box. at this point i was not really on Vanderbilt campus anymore, it was like a college campus but not vandy, and IT was in a weird basement type place, and no one was really there except for this old guy, and no one could really help me anyway, so i left. there were lots of people walking around outside, and it was kind of windy and not very hot--very un-summer-like. i may have gone back to Towers again (that's my dorm) but i can't remember. that's about all i can recall from this portion of the dream.
as i was writing this segment, i remembered another dream i had in my second sleep session. i was in Boston and i was riding in a van with laura and some of her friends i think, but i didn't know them, and one or two people that i met this summer from BU, i don't really remember anyone specifically besides Laura. we started off in a restaurant, but then we were driving in the car. we were trying to go somewhere downtown or something, to see something called "city hall" or something that i don't think really exists in boston, and when we were driving we weren't really headed to where downtown is, we may not have even really been in actual boston. anyway, some girl was driving and she sucked and she was making me nervous. we had to go through these tunnels at one point (which is realistic for driving in some areas in boston, although these were very long). we didn't really know where we were going, even though we had a person or two from boston with us, so the girl was just like going wherever she thought was right, driving carelessly, it was freaking me out because i didn't feel safe with her driving. we came out somewhere in the tunnel and were totally in the wrong place, so we turned around and went back to the tunnel entrance, where we got out of the car. it was near this dock or waterside, and there were lots of big canoes along the water's edge. there was a police officer standing nearby so i asked her (i think it was a woman) how to get to wherever we were trying to go, and i don't really remember what she said, but everyone else thought i was stupid for asking. i said that i wanted to drive the car from then on because i wasn't comfortable with that girl driving. something changed and weird stuff happened and i was some kind of super hero and i needed to find this criminal and the car became some kind of super hero car, and i somehow stealthily got suited up in this dark colored (reddish?) suit and in the driver's seat, which was isolated from the rest of the car, and i think everyone else got in the back, and i had on these special glasses so i could see the bad guy, and i was going to drive the car and find him. i was getting instructions through an earpiece or something on what i had to do next, but that's about all i remember. i think that's all the dreaming i did (or can remember). i'm not sure if this segment happened before or after my Vandy move-in segment.
If you read all of this, congratulations, you've just had a glimpse into my mind, or something.