Well, chapter 3 is complete and up on the website. I'm taking a break from writing tonight though so I can work on finishing up the thank you cards. Almost there though!
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5968834/3/In_Between_Dragons Title: In Between Dragons
Disclaimer: Patricia C. Wrede owns it all.
Pairing: Telemain/Morwen, Jack/Amory
Rating: PG-13 or T, depending on the system you use.
Chapter Warnings: None, unless you're afraid of the dark.
Story Summary: Mendanbar is missing. Cimorene and Daystar are in exile. But time still marches on in the Enchanted Forest. As Telemain sits on edge ready to propose to Morwen, Willin discovers to everyone's horror that the king's sword is missing from where it was hidden. And all evidence begins to lead them to wizards once again. How do Telemain and Morwen put all the pieces together when the most important players in this game can't be reached for another ten years?
Chapter Summary: As Telemain and Morwen discover what Willin says is true, they discover their first and only clue. An artifact of ancient wizarding decent...that points completely AWAY from the Society of Wizards!
“If it was the Society of Wizards, we’d know exactly where to go and who to chase after. But the Society stopped using antibellums long before the wars.”
“Why is that?”
“They thought it was too below them, which just goes to prove that they have an even bigger ego than he does,” Morwen said, motioning her head in Telemain’s direction.
He ignored her.