Oct 17, 2007 22:06
Thanks for the feedback on the blackwork pattern everyone. I finally had a chance to work on it today, getting the embroidery on the neck and sleeve binding finished. It was slow going, especially since the pattern that got the most votes is fairly intricate, which means it's super slow to stitch. That's okay. It looks great. I can't wait to get this finished now. I think the blackwork will give it just the touch it needs. Not that it will usually be seen, but I'm not one who needs an excuse to wear pretty underwear.
Spent some time at DMV today. My vehicle registration had expired, but I had never received the renewal notice. I have a feeling that between changing my name and moving, they just couldn't put all the pieces together. In my defence, I did everything I was supposed to: I officially changed both my name and my address. Of course, when I changed my name, they neglected to inform me that I also needed to fill out a form to change the name on my vehicle title. Great. That would have been nice to know. So, got that done today as well as renewing my registration.
Okay, I don't have anymore costume news, so I should probably stop rambling and just go to bed.