How is 2008 Shaping Up?

Jan 16, 2008 22:52

The fast is going well, I am phasing back in meat and dairy. In all truthfulness the lack of cheese has been the most difficult thing during this fast. The lack of alcohol has been very illuminating; hopefully once I fall back off the wagon I can keep the consumption habits to a healthy level and not a drowning demons level (since, as we all know, my demons learned to swim quite some time ago).

I received a piece of marketing from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute today... it gave me an odd feeling. That life seems so distant, so alien and yet so formative to my adult personality. Five and half years away from college and it seems like I never went in the first place. I suppose a lot of that comes from my experience with northeast culture being so different to anything I had ever experienced. Once I left Manhattan I put the whole northeast behind me. The whole thing never seemed real anyway. It got rather depressing when I would go back to California and feel even more alienated there. I suppose that is a consequence of moving so much all my life, never being able to settle anywhere. I was remarking to a friend recently that I moved to Austin in 1996, twelve years ago. In that time I went to college, took a year off and moved back to Austin. Even after all that time and all the familiarity I have with the city and its culture I still don't feel like I belong here. Thats the funny thing though, Austin was designed for people who never settle. The odd thing now is that I am becoming increasingly comfortable with being the outsider. Considering how much I let it bother me as a child this is a great thing.

Professionally speaking things are well, can't complain even though I want to.
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