May 01, 2006 00:00
It's called Donnie Darko...tribute to the 80's and Frank then writing a paper with a mild buzz on.
I'm over this why do I come back? Is it obligation? Weening? Naw...I'm just to lazy to hand write in my real paper journal. Wooooooot!
Guess what else I'm over? Writing theory papers on film. Oh yeah...took me this long but I'm finally over it. So very over it. Anyone want to write a paper on D.W. Griffith's new techniques in film making in relation to his 1913 film Death's Marathon???? Yeah...I don't either.
And now I leave you with:
Person 1: koohii o nomimashoo ka?
Person 2: iie, koohii wa atsui. Daikirai desu.
Person 1: Soo desu ka
Person 2: Watashi wa eiga ga suki desu
Person 1: Aa, Sentinaru wa suki desu ka?
Person 2: iie, daikirai desu. omoshiroku arimasen deshita.
Does root know what I said? It is the ultimate test.