Nov 21, 2012 21:22
Tonight I fly out to AZ to visit my parents for a nice long weekend. Won't be landing until after midnight, so no idea how much time I'll actually have to myself tomorrow before the festivities begin.
So, in advance,
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I am thankful for my family--those related to me by blood and those who I've chosen as such.
I'm thankful for my friends (online and IRL)
I'm thankful I'm healthy (relatively. This cough is still clinging, but I'm functional and I know there are so many worse off than I am)
I'm thankful for the support of food banks when I can't quite make ends meet.
I'm thankful for having a job.
I'm thankful for far too many things to list here. But they are not forgotten or ignored.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday. Blessed be.