I've apparently completely fallen out of the Naruto fandom. At least for now. So all the fics I was working on in the Naruto universe are no longer being worked on. For now. I hope to go back to them eventually..
Instead, the Kingdom Hearts world has eaten my brain. Completed one fic that very few people seemed interested in, yet find myself in the middle of writing at least two others. The completed one is on y!gallery and the khyaoi LJ community. It mainly dealt with Demyx pondering the nature of emotion. The other two fics deal with the character Even-who-became-Vexen. The first one is when he's still Even... and will probably be on the short side. Maybe. I hope.
the second one looks like it will either be very long or wind up as a series of potential stand-alones that all exist in the same sub-pocket of the multiverse. And speaking of potentiality.. the way it's looking so far... it could end up with a three-way relationship existing between Vexen, Demyx and Saïx. The balance within that remains to be seen.. as it still remains to be seen if it will actually happen. But if I can pull it off.. and make it work most of all.... I think I will be so happy.
On a non-writing based note... I have been offered a job with the GSCU. A real job. Full time. I accepted (obviously!!). I'm so unbelievably happy. I still plan on going to the other interviews, but I feel pretty good about this one.
I have also been feeling the need to draw lately.. but I seriously need to get my hands on some art books with people as the main focus. I have no friends in the area that I can get to pose for me or anything and I do horribly without a reference. Anyone able to recommend some? Especially that would have romantic scenes? MM, WM, WW, any, some or all of the above is fine.