2012 Fic In Review

Jan 05, 2013 14:43

I'm never sure what I wrote, till I go back and look. No question though, that my biggest accomplishment this year was finishing my revisionist fairytale White As Snow, Red As Blood, a spin on Snow White, featuring Loki, Methos, Duncan, and Clint, amongst others. I was very please with it, once it was all done, and I learned that if you write a story with Loki in it, the readers will come. Popular fellow he is!

Other that that one epic, looking back at AO3, it seems I mostly wrote a series of Avengers related ficlets, starting with Methos and Tony Stark burying the hatchet in Starting Over. I even wrote a little James Bond as a side-dish. The two exceptions were A Friend's Remains, a story written for Highlander's 20th anniversary, and The Memories of Stones and Stars, the last thing I wrote this year, again, a story written for a Highlander event. Both feature a bereft Methos ;) I put the poor guy through the wringer this year! Started out with him being tortured by Loki and it was just downhill from there.

Them's the highlights,
Starting Over ~ Tony and Methos try to make a fresh start.
Girls Night Out ~ Jane and Sif share a few drinks, and potentially a few other things as well.
A Good Man ~ Steve attempts to deal with the ghosts of the past - both for himself and for Tony.
St. Crispin's Day With a Side of Shawarma ~ Tony processes the events of the day before, trying to get a handle on this new reality.
White As Snow, Red As Blood ~ Methos doesn't believe in fairy tales - or gods.
A Life Safety Issue ~ It's the little things that matter.
Pirate's Holiday ~ directly follows A Life Safety Issue.
Still What We Are ~ Tasha knows it really is darkest before the dawn.
Obi Wan Tony, You're My Only Hope ~ Charlotte places all her trust in the only genius on her speed-dial.
Project Tortuga ~ Tony attempts to build a foundation of trust between two friends. (I wrote Bruce!)
A Friend's Remains ~ On the anniversary of Byron's death, Methos visits his final resting place.
When the Sky Falls ~ A reunion on the field of battle. (My first attempt writing James Bond)
What's a Little Recon Amongst Friends? ~ A little fallout can always be expected from inter-agency liaisons.
The Memories of Stones and Stars ~ When Methos uttered the words, 'just a shakedown cruise', he should have realized that almost certain disaster was inevitable.

This entry was originally posted at http://ithildin.dreamwidth.org/3989252.html. Please comment here or there.

fic: highlander, fic: james bond, fic: avengers, fic: thor, fic recap

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