It's All About Avengers!

May 07, 2012 19:29

Back home - ending the long weekend by coming home from Vegas this morning, only to run out of gas just outside of Mesquite. Got to work around 11am, finished payroll, and am now, finally, home!

No real spoilers for the movie, I'm still too giddy over it all. We ended up squeezing in three viewing between Thursday and Sunday, twice in IMAX 3D - and I can't believe it, because I hate 3D, so maybe it was the IMAX factor, but it was AMAZING! I'm sure I'll want to dissect the movie via the written word, but right now, I'm not sure where to begin! If you want to throw in your two cents in the comments, please do! Also, have not looked at LJ since Wed., and had avoided Euro spoilers for the week prior, so of you have a post about the movie on your LJ, please let me know. So wanting to read everyone's thoughts.

My first thought after the first viewing was 'have to do major rewrite on 'White As Snow' - I have been Jossed. Not sure anyone is still reading, so probably won't matter, but for me, I shall rewrite.

Other jumbled thoughts: I'm even more a fan of Tom's now - WOW! I'll always love Tony. Snark is of the good. I even like the Hulk now - who knew? TWO!!! after the credits scenes! Thrilled that they're doing a Black Widow origin film. Can't wait for the deleted scenes on the DVD. Already planning Vegas for IM III next year. Midnight showings are so much fun, in a casino, even more strange. I couldn't have wanted more from this movie. More than lived up to the probably too high expectations.

fangirl moments, squeeeee!, avengers

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