Dec 20, 2010 23:03
Okay so explanations are in order and are as follows:
1. I have had issues with my laptop attempting to become the anti-christ of all laptops.
2. I might have become distracted a bit by asthma doing its level best to kill me.
3. My niece has no respect at all for letting me get online for even a few minutes.... Thus I wait for her to sleep before I sneak online... Someone tell me how I ended up as a security blanket for an infant?
4. This is prolly the first time I've actually managed to get online to Livejournal since prolly my last post without my laptop going insane. Hopefully this issue should be completely resolved by February. I gets bonus and bonus is buying me a shiny new laptop free from baby drool and spit up.
Now I think I needs to go have a look at my f-list.