*facepalm* This is what happens when you get a crackhead idea stuck in the scary place that passes as your mind. This is a collab effort between myself and
lady_katana4544 . I swear that she's the one who came up with the idea I just happened to take it and run with it.
Cracked_brains has been created to hold our insanity.
Title: Starscream's Pet Legion of Doom
Summary: Starscream has an interesting new lab specimen and they are NOT zombies no matter what Skywarp says.
Starscream’s Pet Legion of Doom
Warning: This is pure and utter crack that only pretends to have a plot.
It was an interesting creature to say the least. Frowning at the little creature now attempting to gnaw its way through the fingers holding it into place, Starscream leaned closer to inspect the rather odd little organic. Garbed in the same dark fabric that it had been wearing when Megatron had commanded the attack on the new facility that had been built by the same organics that had once imprisoned the warlord, Starscream wondered why this organic seemed to be so different from the others inhabiting the planet. If it were a genetic throwback to an earlier time within the organics history he could see the reasons for the differences but there remained far too many similarities between the two for him to be comfortable with labeling it as such.
Pressing down lightly on the organics chest with one finger, Starscream’s frown deepened as he noted the amount of resistance his finger met. Normally with most organics even his lightest of presses was enough to threaten to leave bruising that would mark his scientific interest but this one… this one’s epidermis seemed ignorant of what should naturally occur. A small warble of surprise escaped him as he excitedly began to examine the joints of the organic that seemed to be double-jointed as well as bound by tendons and muscles that were of a far stronger composition than those that were normally found among the dominant organic species. Leaning back in his chair as he absently tapped a finger against the display of his data pad, Starscream watched as the organic paced the confines of his enclosure with a juvenile clumsiness.
Scarlet optics dimmed in concentration as Starscream absently reached over to another enclosure and plucked one of the screaming and kicking organics from its cage. Dangling it over the enclosure containing his newest specimen, the Seeker gently set the organic down to see how the specimen would react to the introduction of what was obviously a sister species if not its genetic predecessor. For a long moment his little creature stared up at him in obvious concentration before grinning and turning to face the now obviously terrified organic trapped in his enclosure. Stylus flying across the data pad as he made meticulous notes of the way his little creature seemed to mimic predatory behavior by circling the trembling organic, Starscream’s intakes skipped a beat as the organic was tackled in a swift, fluid movement.
The organics arms were pinned with an ease that belied the strength necessary for such attempts as his little creature seemed content to remain straddling the organics hips while the unoccupied arm traced along the organics ribcage. Leaning forward in his seat as his little creature seemed to pause for long moments over a particular spot, Starscream tilted his head to one side as the organic began screaming again. He edged closer to the edge of his chair’s seat as the organics screaming came to an abrupt halt while his little creature continued to merrily pound the organics head against the floor of the enclosure. Smiling as he nudged the top of the enclosure to the side so that he could drop pieces of the vegetation that he’d noticed several organics consuming, Starscream stood as he carefully wedged the top back into place and left his lab for the night.
A week later and Starscream was puzzled. The organics that had one by one been introduced into the enclosure occupied by his little creature had slowly changed from their original organic composition into one that at first glance near mirrored that of his little creature. Closer examination of the molecular structure of the organics had proven that there still remained several key differences between themselves and his little creature not the least of which seemed to be the presence of several nanobots that were coded to the unique DNA of his little creature. Leaning his hip against the side of the table as his arms crossed themselves over his chassis, Starscream watched as his little creature encouraged the others to run about the enclosure in an orderly fashion.
One finger tapping idly against his arm as he pondered over his little creatures, Starscream frowned at the little pile of bones kept fastidiously to one corner of the enclosure. While all of his organic specimens had been introduced into his little creature’s enclosure, it seemed that not all of them had the necessary capability to change and were subsequently used as a dietary supplement to the vegetables that he fed them on a daily basis. Starscream was mech enough to admit that he’d allowed himself to become complacent after the first five of the organic specimens had been dropped into the enclosure without incident.
Denta gritted harshly together as a sharp pop filled the quiet atmosphere of the lab and startled his little creatures into a panic while the scent of plasma pervaded the air. “Skywarp,” Starscream ground the name out, “I’ll assume that you’re on a mission for Megatron and thus retain even a smidgen of the self-preservation programming that is encoded into every Transformer. I should hate to be forced to send you to the Well of Allsparks which would then necessitate the need to train a new member of the wing.”
“I just wanted to see what you had in here, Screamer.” Skywarp replied sulkily as he edged around his trine leader to peer into the little enclosure containing Starscream’s newest specimens. “Ooooh, what are those?”
“They are my current specimens. No, you may not have one. Attempts to take one will be dealt with severely as in I will disable your warping abilities and will leave you in the tender care of Hook and his med bay.” Skywarp’s only response was an absent twitch of his wings as he leaned down to begin tapping against the side of the enclosure with evident amusement if the large grin stretching his faceplates was any indication. “Skywarp, why are you here?”
“TC and I were gettin’ worried.” The teleporter said, turning around to face Starscream with his hands on his hips. “You’ve been locked up in here for the past week and you ain’t been talkin’ to us so TC and I decided I should come make sure that you hadn’t been eaten by whatever it is you’ve been messin’ around with.”
“Your confidence in my abilities is astounding.” Starscream snapped sarcastically as he pushed his trine mate away from his little creature’s enclosure. “These specimens are part of what I believe to be a newly evolved species of the organic compositions that seem so prevalent on this planet. In terms that even you could understand, that means that they are fragile and if you hurt them then I will not hesitate to disassemble you and leave you for their consumption. They’ve proven to harbor cannibalistic tendencies so I’m certain that they wouldn’t have a problem with using you for their own purposes.”
“They’re zombies!” Skywarp breathed, his wings beginning to quiver with excitement as he turned to face a now wary Starscream. “You’ve got zombies!”