Jan 01, 2009 00:20
So it's the first post of the new year and I'm using it to update my progress on new chappies. Experiences will be worked on alongside of the revisions I've realized need to be made to earlier chapters so that things flow a bit more smoothly. If I'm getting 'WTF' moments then something definitely needs to be done about it.
Winds? Winds is at a standstill for the moment because I know something needs to happen but I haven't quite found that something yet. Some minor adjustments to things I've already written will be made and I think Prowl and Jazz are nearly ready to cooperate.
Moon's Blood is still a nightmare at the moment. I think what I might do is complete the story before I begin posting new chapters.
Humanity's Requiem still has a new chapter that hasn't been touched in months. I figure I might give it a shot at finishing it this week sometime.
Copasetic... Copasetic has a bunch of notes that have been written out but haven't really been put into any sort of order that'll let me start writing a new chapter.
And last but not least, my new story. I'm planning on writing when I get the urge but for the moment it's behind even Copasetic in terms of new chapters.
update progress