Player Name: Pura
Personal LJ:
AIM: PuraTigerz
Other characters currently in-game: Tommy Shepherd, Beast Boy
Who referred you to the game?: BLARHn
Character Name: Chase Stein
Canon source: Runaways (Marvel 616) (I’m taking him from right at the end of the run, just as he get’s hit by the van but before he’s injured majorly.)
Personality: Just as the cliché that comes with his looks dictates, Chase first comes off as falling into the ‘dumb jock’ category. When it comes to book smarts Chase knows nothing, and as a result was failing most of his high-school classes. He’ll be the first one to tell you that he’s not exactly the smartest of people, and even if he doesn’t, often what he says makes it clear. He doesn’t have much common sense either, but what he lacks in both these areas he makes up for with technological know-how and street smarts. He has a way with technology, and is abnormally good at being able to figure out how something works and how to use it without much guidance, but only if the item he is examining keeps his interest up, as another part of Chase is that he has a very short attention span. One minute he could be trying to figure out how to make stick men out of fire using his stolen Fistigon gauntlets, the next he’s talking about zombie arcade games and how awesome the blood spatter is if you shoot them right in the head, or how cool it would be if sharks got laser beams attached to their heads.
Chase comes with a lot of sarcasm and quite a dark sense of humour that is sometimes used a coping mechanism for something a bit more sinister. Being abused as a child, and right up into his teens, Chase has a lot of insecurities that he often buried under sharp wit and sarcastic remarks. He is forever defiant, especially toward figures of authority and more specifically his parents, and is the most rebellious, free spirited and reckless of the group. That said, he’s also one of the most loyal people you would ever have the pleasure to meet, and is very protective of his adoptive family, the other Runaways, to the point of putting their safety in front of his own. He would risk his life for them and is never afraid of jumping right into something that others would call suicide, and that others would call bravery. Whether it’s one or the other is debateable, but his recklessness definitely has a major part to play in these acts. Chase is also well known for having a rather nasty temper, and if you get on his bad side, you better hope you don’t stay that way for long as he’ll be the first to drop you a few pegs if you’re being a bastard.
Chase thinks of himself as a good guy most of the time, but sometimes doubts himself, which is residual damage from the abuse. Chase was always a good kid - just not smart, and the fact he was getting beaten for average grades made him come up with the idea that he really was a bad, stupid kid, to validate the abuse he was receiving.
History: Strengths:
Because of his athletic background (he played Lacrosse in high-school), Chase has strength, endurance and speed all above the norm, but not out of the realms of normal human beings. Chase also possesses an intimate knowledge of how to pilot The Leapfrog, an amphibious, talking, frog-shaped ship that is often used as a getaway vehicle or as just a way of getting from a to b by the rest of his team. He also figured out how to use the weapons and other technology, such as the cloaking device, unaided, which shows that he has an affinity to technology. Give him something that will maintain his attention span and interest and Chase will more often than not be able to figure out how to use it or how it works without any previous instruction or being taught.
Chase previously wielded a pair of ‘Fistigons’, gauntlets that enabled him to produce and control fire and a pair of X-Ray goggles, that allowed him to see through solid objects, both of which he’d stolen from his parents. Both these weapons were lost in the fight with the Gibborim, but during an excursion in the 1900’s, Chase managed to go get a new pair of Fistigons by stealing them from his parents again in the future, but before he’d stolen them in the future… in the past (yes it gets very fucking confusing), making sure he studied how they worked instead of his previous ‘trial and error’ experimentation, which did work to a degree. The new Fistigons could shoot electricity and missiles as well as fire.
Chase also has an empathic bond with the genetically engineered Deinonychus from the 87th century, Old Lace, which means they both share emotions and pain. So if Chase gets hurt, OL feels it, and vice versa. Chase can also command OL to follow any order he gives.
In the Posthumans, he won’t have OL with him and he won’t have any of his weapons on him either bar his small switchblade, which will be removed from him upon his arrival.
Weaknesses: As stated in his personality section, Chase has a nasty temper and it can seriously get the better of him when he’s really upset about something. He can be violent when he gets really worked up, even to his fellow Runaways, and if he’s pushed far enough he can cause physical injury to people.
He can get wrapped up in his own emotions that he ignores the needs of the people around him. When Gert died, Chase became absorbed in trying to bring her back to life and started pushing his friends away, and even when he came back was a dick to them because he was wrapped up in his own grief. He feels it hard, and it can take a lot to shake him out of a slump.
Also, since he has no powers, Chase is pretty damn vulnerable without any of his weapons or his dinosaur to protect him.
Preferred drop-in point: Manhattan, but ToC is fine also.
What are some of your plans for this character in their new environment? In his new environment, Chase will be trying to forget everything that happened to him in the last Arc of Runaways. Thats Old Lace dying, his ‘uncle’ turning up and generally everything that happened that night and morning. He’ll be convinced he’s dead for a while, but once he meets Gert and OL and Molly, he’ll start cooling off and just pretending like that night ever happened.