Having a party? Addicted to soda?
Let us pick up your recycling!
ACP: Experience in Documentary Filmmaking is going to Korea and Thailand
this summer to finish filming for two documentaries and do some community
service - but we need your help!! If you have a decent amount of cans (at
the very LEAST 20) contact one of the following people and we’ll come pick
it up for you! Start saving your cans and bottles NOW!
Laura Zdan:
lzdan1@ithaca.eduJeff Picarello: Pick up dates: Sunday 4/27 and 5/4
please please please please help us out!! Our goal is to make $350 with
this - that's a lot of cans so we need your help!!! E-mail me back with
any questions, or your address so we can pick up your recycling!!!