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Jul 13, 2005 02:32

DEMI and FEED in "Sakura: Tape Mod"            VIDEO

DMNY in "Getting bored after 5 hours of FA"     VIDEO

Started my day out at Cyberstation, messing around on DDR and waiting for Demi to get off work so we could go play ITG2. While sipping my water, this guy comes up and starts tying me up with duct tape. It worked out pretty good, as my arms end up folded tightly against my chest, and the drink was positioned so that i could still reach the straw. . This gave us several idea's.

1)I play CSFIL speed mix doubles still bound up like this and with a fairly heavy backpack slung unevenly over one shoulder, periodicaly drinking my water.(actually managed an AA FC and 30some greats, to spite nearly tripping). I have a video of this, but no space to put it up right now. Perhaps later.

2)The second was me and afforementioned guy playing with our legs taped together. We manage to both pass three light singles songs this way, then fail our fourth on standard. See, somehow all three light mode songs never had a single vertical jump. Once we got em on standard, we had no plan on how to hit them. No video on this one.

3) The last (for now) was me and Demi pressing our backs together, and then getting tightly taped together from just under our arms all the way down to our torso's. First we played singles, worked our way from light to heavy, just getting used to playing sideways and with severly limited mobility. On our last song we played Sakura and made it about 3/4ths of the way through. Video above. We played doubles after that, getting an A on Paranoia Evolution on our last song. have a video for that too, but it isn't as impressive as the Sakura imo. Next time, Demi and I wanna get taped up again, and then take turns playing doubles whilst carrying the other on our back. We'll see how that turns out.

Then we head off to ITG2. Even though I did nothing worth taking a screen of today, I still had fun, especially with DMNY, GR44, DUO, DEMI, and BMFA all making appearances. I got a video of DMNY getting to very end of Summer, on his third attempt. Afterwards, I got a video of em doing an improv "freestyle/humor" run on Robotix easy. The video is up top I suggest watching it. The highlight happens about 3/4ths of the way through, so wait for it and try to keep up with the motion blur.

After that I passed Max 300 and Paranoia Survivor on doubles for the first time, second attempt on both (needed speed mods, damned itg). The scores weren't noteworthy, infact they we're pretty bad. I'm just glad to see I have the stamina to do them now, and look forward to working towards AA's later on. That's it. Sorry for the terrible video quality.
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