Jan 02, 2006 22:49
well school starts back up again tomorrow and, of course, i cant sleep. Thats what i get for not going to sleep til 2am every night for 2 weeks. PLUS i have this lovely cold(gladly provided by a mr.lance brennan), which is making things that much harder. Jane's sitting on my lap doing her best to make me feel better, but more than anything i think she's just afraid of the big hairy monster walking around.
This is a good time to give you an update i guess. Seems like what everyone else is doing.
Christmas: Went pretty well. The family got along to the best of their ability and i got some pretty nice things including a tv from "Santa", glitter makeup from kati, and my very special blanket from lance. Lance held up pretty well in my opinion, for his first holiday with my whole family. I think he enjoyed himself. I went to his house too, which was fun. A lot more laid back; no major family battles to avoid, its refreshing.
New Years: A lot of fun with minimal alcohol consumption. Lance, Kati, and myself saw Rumor Has It (which is more of a rent, but thats ok, it was cute). Then went out to eat with my family at JJJJJJJJ Alexanders. I have a nasty habit of just calling it Alexanders, so i thought i would emphasize the "J". Then back to my house for a glass of wine and seeing the ball drop.
Break all together was a success, which is more than i can say for last year so im happy.
I shall attempt sleep again!