Fangtasia is still hiring all positions. Flexible schedules are available, as well as day and night shifts, salaried, non-salaried, and contract work. Sam. I received your work history. If you could stop, let us talk about bringing you on as a member of the team. So to speak.
That said.
My curiosity is eating me up lately. Unfortunately. This place has perhaps opened my eyes to certain possibilities that are...interesting if generally disagreeable. And I ask in the intention of attempting to understand an underling of mine-- as is an underpinning of my duties at home --and the human woman that he is....frankly stupid over.
Do any of you honestly believe that a relationship between a human and a vampire, or more specifically, a mortal and an immortal, can be healthy, equal, and fulfilling?
What do you even see in one another, those of you engaged in such. Relationships?
also: I still require a roommate. Logic would suggest that, being dead, I would not hear the ticking. This place has little respect for logic.