This is going to be my handy-dandy repository for a) all the stuff I ask Liet and beanclam about re: Devin, and b) all the stuff I make up on the fly while I'm RPing, so that Liet and beanclam can correct me if I've goofed something up or gone too far. I do intend to play him like I do all my other characters (AKA I make up lots of shit when necessary), buuuut his creators are always, alwaaays welcome to correct any and all assumptions I make. On that note, headcanon may occasionally get retconned! Hopefully not, but we'll play it by ear.
MOTS Website Profile:
Devin Wilshire
Age: 17
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’9”
Loud and quite purposefully obnoxious to anyone he doesn’t like, Devin is considered something of an oddball even by those closest to him. His love of science fiction and conspiracy theories has left more than one person wondering whether his somewhat far-fetched personal conjectures are real or just in fun.
Devin would never: lie about liking something to make a person happy. Watch a whole movie without a single comment. Want to be considered normal. Do something the easy way just because it was easier.
Likes: All things sci fi, bizarre jokes, old movies.
Dislikes: Perceived injustice, selfish people, plaid.
Random fact: Is the president and founding member of FAESOHCA (say: ‘face okay’)- the Filmatic and Educational Society of Hollywood’s Classical Achievements, a club that focuses exclusively on awful horror and sci fi films.
Random Stuff (usually from me asking nosy questions):
Where's Barlow? Somewhere in the Eastern part of the US, but NOT New Jersey. (Personally, I'm thinking it's in Massachusetts, if just for the prep school atmosphere and the subplot about Aiden's father wanting him to go into law.)
What happened to Dev's father? He and Dev's mother got divorced a while ago, so now Dev's mom raises him alone. It was long enough ago that Dev's comfy with the way things are now. (So maybe when he was ten or so, maybe?)
What's FAESOHCA? Profile's got it! The reason why they need that fancy name is 'cause the school wouldn't let them have a movie club otherwise. Watching terrible awesome sci-fi movies just isn't enough of an academic achievement. :(
Sexuality? Canonly bi o/
Personal Headcanon
Nothin' yet o/