Frankly, people who don't make the effort to learn how to spell or use grammar correctly make me want to die. Everyone makes mistakes, typos or what have you, especially in informal settings, but things like constantly confusing their and there and its and it's and where and wear and have and of make me want to scream. It's REALLY not rocket science! It's just people are too lazy to bother to even think about what they're writing and how they're coming are you supposed to retain any respect for what someone has written if they can't use proper grammar and spelling? I mean, if they can't even be bothered to learn simple things like the difference between 'of' and 'have' :P then how can you rely on them caring enough about the things they write about to give an accurate impression?
I know this sounds incredibly prejudiced. However, it's just like presentation. If you were to write about the most astonishing discovery in the world but covered your paper with scribble marks, ink drips, and couldn't spell to save your would be sloppy. And that implies that you are sloppy, and that your thinking is sloppy. And that makes me distrust what you have to say. :P
I know this sounds incredibly prejudiced. However, it's just like presentation. If you were to write about the most astonishing discovery in the world but covered your paper with scribble marks, ink drips, and couldn't spell to save your would be sloppy. And that implies that you are sloppy, and that your thinking is sloppy. And that makes me distrust what you have to say. :P
Argh, rant!
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