words of praise

May 11, 2007 15:04

But, predictably, not from my boss.

An email today from the city's evidence tech:

From: O'Brien, Dee
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 12:37 PM
To: Oborn, Kathy; Smith, Kim; Nichols, Anne
Subject: Channel 12 employees

I am not sure how I am supposed to do this but here goes! I have had contact with the employees at Channel 12 several times recently and am very impressed with them. I have had to have tapes spliced, recorded on special equipment and other items restored. It is often very sensitive material and is important to our court cases. The Channel 12 employees have always gone above and beyond the call of duty, many times finishing projects before expected. This has often meant the difference in court cases involving abuse and other high level crimes. I just dealt with David who was great but have dealt with Kathy and other employees in the past. (I wish I could remember their names.) I just wanted to let you know what quality employees we have here and because of this I am proud to work for the City of Pocatello!

Dee O'Brien
Evidence Technician
Pocatello Police Department
The email went to my boss, the HR director, and the mayor's assistant.
For the record, it is me and my engineer Dave that have helped her. My boss hasn't done shit for her, besides stay out of my way for once. Dave fixes all their broken tapes and video gear, I do all the image extraction and processing from tapes and surveilance cams. 
The cops in this town are actually pretty easy to work with, and they let you slide a little if they know you. I got pulled over the other day because I forgot to re-register my car, and the cop was one I work with frequently. Once he saw it was me, he just let me know, we had a chuckle, and I was on my way.
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