FanFiction anniversary for me

Feb 21, 2009 18:32

In early 2007, I started thinking about DH and how JKR might be writing it.  And the burning question at the time was, is Snape evil?  I thought about it a lot, relistened to all the audio books, and had the epiphany (finally) that of course he wasn't.  Very much the opposite was true.  I even wrote notes in support of my hypothesis, as I knew I had to argue it to the court of my grandchildren, who would not be swayed easily.  About 2 days later, I realized that Snape would have to be killed off to make the book work.  That truly upset me.  I found myself wandering around town muttering about it and confessing my thoughts to all who would listen.

Looking back at that time, I now see I had become, god help me, a fangirl.

I expected Snape to be killed off in the fine tradition of heros' deaths in LOTR, not the reality of JKR's vicious pen.  I guess she really hated the teacher she patterned him after.

I had not been an Alan Rickman fan before.  I had seen Die Hard and Robin Hood but he just didn't catch my heart.  But as snarky Snape, I have seen the light.  I had to rent all that netflix has with him.

I first found and started reading fan fiction stories in March 2008.  This came about 8 months after DH came out when I realized I was truly depressed about that book.  How pathetic, huh?  It's a fiction book, gee whiz!  I had found some HP slash fiction in the years before but even though they were well written, I found that they really didn't do anything for me so I didn't look further.

But quickly I found Ashwinder, TPP, and OWL by googling "Snape".  Allright, "Sex with Snape".  I went through an amazing amount of tissue in the first few months.  Think of Kathleen Turner in "Romancing the Stone" as she was writing her romance novels.  Hehehe.

And in the last couple of weeks, I have read "The Life Unlived" and "And the Stars Never Rise" so I'm going through lots of Puffs extra soft with aloe again.


My avatar, btw, is "ArtbyIldi_Sev-beach_IconbyPearle".  So you can see who did the work.

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