May 18, 2006 11:30
I have now, with the aid of pictures from the 'Organic Gardening' book, identified what carrot leaves look like.
An absolute image of carrotness is etched into my brain. Armed with this, I have finally started weeding the ocean of green random stuff that I have managed to cultivate- (non-carrots, impostors, wannabes, misfits).
One would think it a simple task to identify the carrot from the non-carrot; it is not.
For the illigitamates grow in the likeness of the carrot, an evolutionary process of transformation with survival in mind.
'I shall assimilate and liken myself to the host (carrot)' They think, plotting away..
'..and then the authorities (that's me) will overlook our presence!' which time our roots (tentacles of the devil!) would have grown strong,intertwined with pure carrot root (penetrating deep into the 3 inches of topsoil) and we will become INVINCIBLE!!!'
Their voices echo in nitrate-nourished tones..
Further confusion arises when the pure-blood (carrot) sproutlings grow where they please,rebelling against the linear arrangements in which they were sown, having inexplicably relocated in order to mingle with the riff-raff of the plant world, namely weed and unidentified green plants of no known (to me) heritage, breeding.....wild stuff!
Elsewhere in the district...a welcome to three new broad beans that have struggled through the earth to sunlight, healthy and wide-leaved.
And we have some pale green strawberries maturing by the day...