The Green Thing

May 07, 2006 13:05

Update on the farm...

The carrots, rasperries, cucumbers, tomatoes, parsley went in under the supreme and fruitful reign of Anneke.

Previously: the Gooseberries, Plum tree, Quince tree, Apple tree were planted by my aba (dad) as i stood there in high heels watching him dig, thinking that I'd rather live in London and drink cocktails and pinot noir- yes, Fortune has a way of mocking us..)

After Anneke left work was done in patches, here and there half-hearted efforts- actually that's bullshit, I did NOTHING.

But recently, a lot of hard work, sweating and muscle cramps: We have the lettuce patch and a newly cleared patch for the beetroots, plus the potatoes are in too! And there was a mass slaughter of weeds with some planting of strawberries, marjoram and variety of flowers.

We had also discovered a family of Common garden frogs- they are so cute!
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