Dec 21, 2004 16:49
kekekeke. ashley always has the news on everything and luckily it was rather good today...finally.
thankyou ashley you boosted my day like alot?.
uhm anywho
2morrow is our last day until break. it kind of saddens me in ways cause i wont beable to see chris normally.
actually i think me and him might be staying over ashley's house..wishfully that all works out without hurting our moms feelings. =p
and i think me and him are going to go shopping for christmas. cause we both didnt do any shopping..woopsies.
i gave him my presents today. heh.
i think he liked them..he was burping up a storm in lunch because he was drinking his soda that got him ;) i wonder if he listened to my mix tape..yeah yeah yeah i made him and actual mix TAPE...and there were 11 songs on there. and i want him to get a nice feeling when he listens to it.