Jan 31, 2005 20:41
hey Guys!
i got baby chicks! me and my uncle caught them from my sisters work. :)
okay we got them on suday and there were 2 of them, one was mine and it's name was Jr. and one was my sisters and it'a name was spaz.
okay well today when got home from school i thought it would be okay if me and Ashley brought them outside to catch them some food. well i sat Jr. down and when i went to pick him up he runs away. well long story short.. i was going to give up on finding him but Ashley stayed out there from 3:30 til' 5:30 and we finally caught him. i renamed him Nemo. you know like Finding Nemo. and plus thats me and Evan's favorite movie :).
but anyway... Evan in going to Juvi...i'm not sure for how long.
i would wait forever for him. guys i really do LOVE him. yeah sometimes i get a little stressed out and it seems that i am depressed, but it's not because of Evan. om gosh i love him so much! i would do anything for him.
but okay i got to go. i love you all.
good night