In attempt to continue blogging frequently...

Feb 04, 2010 14:06

This will be my last entry from my current house. We've lived here just under a year now and I am feeling sad that I will be saying goodbye. It was only ever supposed to be a halfway house for me and my Dad while things got sorted out.

All I have to do is get through work tonight and concentrate on the rest of my packing Friday. It will be heaven not to have to open shop Saturday morning but its not like I will be able to have a lie in!

I'm exicted for the change and to have a pernament place to settle until I move out. There are a lot of habits I want to change, I've been itching to get started but have had that 'but I'm moving soon' thought preventing me from doing it in ernest. I cant wait to decorate my room too.

It will be sad not having Darren so close :( I'm also worried about my babies, they hate moving.

Overall I think it will be a good change and it will be lovely living in a properly insulated home *warm*. I think my new year offically starts Saturday...

* sagittarius >

February 2010

Lucky Days: 6, 7, 8, 18, 19
Yucky Days: 14, 15, 21, 22, 27
Fashion Icon: Lucy Liu
Colour: Saltwater Blue
February brings the breeze you’ve been waiting for. Planets cluster around compatible Aquarius, activating your communication sector and keeping you on your mental toes all month long. Mental energies are especially powerful around the New Moon in Aquarius on 13 February. If you have any designs on starting a new writing or learning project, this is the optimal weekend to begin. Jupiter continues to grace your sector of home and real estate, so if dreams of expanding your current digs are yet to be realised, don’t give up now. Venus joins Jupiter in Pisces on 11 February, evoking a strong desire to beautify your living quarters and relationships with family. When the Sun joins Venus and Jupiter on the 18th, you’ve got three benefactors working at the root level of your horoscope, so how can you possibly go wrong, Sagittarius? Lady luck is shining on your life in a myriad of inconceivable ways during 2010, and the signs are only just beginning to show. Dream it and live it.

Bye old room :'( 

room, moving

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