Laptop YUS!

Apr 20, 2009 19:18

I have my new laptop YUS! but I HATE the load of shit Vista that came with. Darren assures me that I will get Windows 7 free when it comes out I sure hope so. I also have sound back! I went a year without sound on my old laptop can you believe that? No music, no videos and no start up music buuhuu :(

Sometimes when you write does it ever sound like pure tack? Everything you think up, even though it orginally sounds okay is clichéd once it is re-read. I wont let tackiness stand in the way of my new serge of creativity though. Someone has definatly inspired me lately and I write more confindently than ever. Even more inspiring is the feeling of being somebody's muse, their main focus and source of ideas and inspiration. I consider it one of the best compliments that a person could ever recieve. Maybe its because it goes beyond calling someone beautiful? I dont know.

Another thing I've been thinking about is: is a muse a term for a female only? I always think of a woman when it is mentioned and all the famous examples (Eddie Sedgwick to Andy Warhol, Yoko Ono to John Lenon, Anais Nin to Henry Miller and Sara Lowndes to Bob Dylan. But I guess I would be sexist and a hypercrite to suggest this.

I've been mooching at that bedroom community in the spotlight, I love interior design! I am not ashamed to admit that last night for bedtime reading I was drooling over the Ikea catalogue! I need to get stuck in to my room and tidy it up!

I think I will finish with this amazing song- 1 because its funny 2 because it annoys Darren and 3 I'm exicted for my holiday in Greece were I will be on a MOTHER FUCKING BOAT!

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x x x

musings, new laptop

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