Sep 22, 2005 11:24
Well... I decided on my costumes for this upcoming year... ^.^ Everything's set, I just have to start on them. I'll be going to get Marie Antoinette fabric soon... I don't want the one I've kept my eye on to suddenly disappear...
So here's my list for conventions next year:
~* Finish Elisabeth
~* Sailor V
~* Marie Antoinette
~* Hana Ichigo (Rozen Maiden)
~* Presea (Magic Knight Rayearth)
Hopefully I can make a big dent into Marie Antoinette so I won't be fumbling around to finish her like I was with Elisabeth. ^^; I'm also gonna try and make a Fersen doll... That may end up being my summer activity... lol*coughmybirthdayisNov8cough*
I'm going to check my schedule at work today to see if I have to work on the weekend of MileHi... if not, then I'm totally going! If I am.. well... oh well! I hope everyone who's going has fun. :D
I think that's all for now! I hope everyone's doing well... =^.^= And if you took pictures at NDK and haven't put them up yet, I wanna see them.. :P~