
May 02, 2005 17:27

^ That has pictures I took from Prom on it, but none are me... ^^; Sorry about that! But the boy I like currently is on there.... :D (It's a picture labelled brandon2_andrea.... he's in the brown shirt)

I'll actually add pictures of myself when my friends get their pics developed... I just didn't trust anyone with my camera enough to have pics taken of me...


+Fleur Delacour (July16, HP&HBP release party):
I have the fabric and the pattern. All I need is a pleated skirt, a blue tie, some knee-high white socks, a wig and a wand and I'll be all set for this release party! ... I hope. The material is gorgeous.... I'm absolutely in love with it, so I hope this will turn out as beautiful as I've planned. I also need some gold embroidery thread to embroider FD on the robes, tie and possibly shirt. (I got this idea after seeing pictures from the movie and FD being all fancily embroidered on everything she owns...)

+Elisabeth (NDK):
Fabric is all purchased. I still need to get the gloves and hoop-skirt before I can really start working on it seriously... That, and I need to dig out the sewing machine and buy some new supplies since my mom sent all sewing things to storage when we moved. I'm excited to be working on it! It's gonna turn out so lovely! I also still need the wig for it... Bleh!

+Kozue Kaoru - Rosebride (NDK):
I have the blue fabric. I just need accent fabric and a wig... I also need to figure out what pattern to use for it.... O.o;; I'm worried about this one...

+Princess Venus (NDK):
I want to get the material soon... I hope I'll have enough money! I also need to get the wig for it... Maybe I can take a trip down to the Springs to converse with Meg and Laura about all of this sometime after I graduate/this summer... I have no clue on what pattern, material or anything to use... ^^;

+Princess Aurora/Sleeping Beauty (Halloween):
@__@ Still being planned... I hope I have enough money for this one...

For all that boring prom stuff you can look at my other journal ( )... I don't want to clutter your journals with pointless high school crap. :)

Hope everyone's had a good day!
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