Day 113: Yeah, But Why?

May 30, 2008 22:23

Apparently they’re making a movie based on the Ouija board.  Michael Bay is involved.

The king of explosions and style over substance is making a movie, a film, something over 70 minutes long that is a coherent and interconnected story with characters and act breaks, based on the board that tells your future when you move the little thingy, but you swear to God, who according to the board may not exist, you are not moving.

Would a board game predicting your death make a suitable premise for those piece of shit horror movies like One Missed Call?  Probably.

Except it’s being written by the guy who did the Haunted Mansion starring Eddie Murphy.  According to IMDb, he also wrote Elf.

It’s just…I can’t…

These people are paid millions and millions of dollars to create art and/or entertainment, and this is what they come up with?  This?  Ouija Board, the movie.

Sometimes, when I watch movies and TV shows were aliens come to wipe us all out, I almost want Jeff Goldblum or Dr. Who to fail.


pop culture, resolution, michael bay, movies, what the fuck

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