Nov 28, 2004 14:22
Whoever would live well,
Long lasting, bringing bliss-
Let him be generous, be calm,
And cultivate the doing of good.
By practicing these three,
These three bliss-bringing things,
The wise one lives without regret
His world infused wiht happiness.
Itivuttaka Sutta
Real peace will arise spontaneously
When your mind becomes free
Of attachments,
When you know that the objects of the world
Can never give you what you really want.
Sakka asked: "What is the cause of selfinterest?"
The Buddha answered: "It is perception of the world as one's object."
"How does one overcome this perception of the world as apart from oneself?"
"By acting for the increase of goodness and happiness. It is in this way that the world ceases to be one's object"
Digha Nikaya
Never think that I believe I should set out a "system of teaching" to help people understand the way. Never cherish such a thought. What I proclaim is the truth as I have discovered it and a "system of teaching" has no meaning because the truth can't be cut up into pieced and arranged in a system
Diamond Sutra
The truth indeed has never been preached by the Buddha, seeing that one has to realize it within oneself.
Lamkara Sutra