Mar 14, 2005 04:12
wow where to really even start with whats been going on in the past none updating point of time till now. holy shit, man it has been crazy. like more than the normal shit i am used to. seriously i think it gets to a point where your having way too much fun. i dont what it is i am just happy for a couple moments of my life, or as my boys would sya a hot minute, haha i love that. anyways mad cool shit has been going on with minor bullshit always attached. but hey i aint got a dam thing to complain about really. so good things that have happend lately, nikki came home which is always awesome. she is fucking incredible. so much fun and everytimei get to chill with her when she comes home is just a blast and so cool. the most chill chick. mad love for you nikki, good luck finish up college. your doing awesome, and as a friend i am proud. actually if you want some facts nikki is the better part of the reasons i went back to school and doing the dam thing. yup thats right nikki you motivated and inspired to be a college grad, lol thanks. but we got to hangout when she was back home with some pepez. the club last thursday which was fucking ridiculous but it was a fun night of drinking and watching me female friends get thrown out of the club. yeah in the middle of springfield and the three girls im with, being stacey sharon and nikki, all get tossed. funy as hell. but was a blast and club rain is poooing. i will def go back sometime but not too soon. i think i got the club shit out of my system when i workd at one, but there never a bad idea. but then too friday to bumpers and nikki met up with me and kobus, then andy showed up with stacey, taris was there wih his cousin, dave reichle and skipppy showed up and saw mad good freidns from bumpers. it was a good ass night, i always ;love running to peopl i lost contact with that were good freinds, its a nice little highlight of life. but anways sat was straight after i didnt half to walk home form work, cause nobody and i mean nobody i knew was around until my boy form work came through lke almost 2 hours later of me being out of work, done changed and off the clock, until i lieft that fucking building. oh so bad but it all turned out coool. went to bumpers again because i live there, i forgot to tell you. and again run into my boy joe c. have seen since i got locked up back in 03. yeah wow. then after that little rendavous (i murder tha one lol) i got up with fred, always a great time got baked went to the only 24 hour burger king to my knowledge and was mad fun. so far spring break awesomely good times. fucking then to today just being easy, chillen with friends to tonight getting so fuckd up after work omg. thats why im up right now cant sleep, but i talk about the other crazy shit later, y'all get a kick out this shit. good news thoug for tommorow, breaking bens, exies, thoery of a dead man. gona be out of this world sucha badass show man. i cant wait. my new thing is i have missed out on so many concerts over the years and i will make up for it. if any, my news years resolution was to attend a kick ass show/concert at least one every motnth so far os good, but always can be mnore than that. i love going to see shows, just such a good time, especially me being the music enthuist i am known to be. fun is on its way and its name is tommorows bad ass rock show. haha fuck y'all offy ass cats, aint got no lives, never get happy bout nothing no more ass faces. just playing mad love for lj peepz you alreayd know but to sum up and stop talking cause im not bored no more and a little bit getting sleepy, im good. real good, big plans in works as we speak, and a lot of good things coming for me, and some of you. i got the band getting a little bit more together, well not really a band yet, but im working on gettins these cats to gether, music is waht i love. people ask what i want to do for the rest of my life, or what im going to school for i my favortie, they all get answered the same, be a rock star. im working on it, and trust you will all know whetether you like or not, when shit gets popping off. but for now my minions of cyberspace, rest easy, sleep good and all that. tommorow/today is a new day, make it that way. to much love for those in my life, i never trade to lose any of you on my side. thank you for being real, honest, sincere good people that i am proud to call and have as my friends. till another time. one love(for those who deserve it)