01. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?
Italy would kill... well, he'd be too afraid to kill. He'd also run away if he were faced with anything that could kill him.
02. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?
. stop painting
. stop eating pizza
. stop eating pasta
. quit singing when he feels like it
. quit talking to pretty girls
. quit having fun
03. What do they dream about? [Either literal or figurative, specify please.]
He totally dreams about being awesome, but totally fails at it. He just wants to be remembered by everyone for accomplishing something most nations could never do.
04. What’s their biggest fear?
Being abandoned or forgotten by any of his friends. Italy's a very friendly person, so losing a friend will make him feel like he's done something very wrong.
05. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?
Hm... the Iron Cross, maybe. Germany gave it to him and made the pact of steel; whenever Italy was in trouble, Germany will always help him and vise versa.
06. What is their fondest memory?
Having his first kiss from the Holy Roman Empire.
07. What is their worst memory?
Either France telling him the Holy Roman Empire was no more or Italy seeing Germany die right in front of him during a hotel effect that caused Germany to go insane. (I'm not completely sure what's worse since the original scan for the first memory was removed from the author himself before anyone was able to scanlate it completely.)
08. What or who was were their most significant influence? Expound.
Rome, definitely. Rome raised Italy when he was a new nation and taught him everything he knows today.
09. What do they believe makes a successful life?
Taking it easy.
10. What makes them laugh?
Funny stuff |D
11. What are their religious views?
Italy is most definitely a Roman Catholic. The Vatican is located inside Italy.
12. What is their greatest strength?
Not taking things seriously.
13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?
... Being too naive.
14. Who is the most important person in their life?
At the moment, Germany.
15. If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die?
Probably Germany, and Italy would probably die from stupidity.