Dec 02, 2004 04:00 has just gotten harder. I lied in the last entry, this week is the hardest week of my life. I can't explain how much fun it is at the same time though. I have found what is right for me but the path to get there is getting more complex day by day. I sometimes think that I can't make it through to the end of this week without giving up. So many times I just felt like giving it up and throwing the past 8 weeks away, but then I think of how much fun I will have and how nice it will be if I can just last a few more days. I have gotten less than 10 hours of sleep within the past 4 1/2 days. This is what it's like to push yourself to the limits. so much is going through my head that I can hardly think straight. I took a break tonight, which involved writing my 7 page paper for comp 2, from the usual activities that I can't speak of from "help week" for ato... let your imaginations run wild, then multiply it tenfold. The brothers have tested us to the point where some of our own pledge brothers have caved in under pressure and sold us out. Some people just don't understand the meaning of "pledge class of one." I have never felt so strongly about or bonded with my friends this much until now. If anyone was bagged now from something other than failing an actual knowledge test I would pull my pin for them. I'm so scared that I won't pass the test... if I don't pass the test then I would be royally pissed. I haven't come this far and I won't continue only to fail.