Jun 02, 2009 16:59
[ The PCD begins recording, its view pointing almost straight up, as if just lying on the ground. The view is mostly sky, except for a rusted spire which implies the PCD is not on the ground but actually on top of a building. Balancing atop the spire is what looks like a young man dressed in black, bandages dangling loosely from his arm, but his face is out of view. He’s standing quite still, as if listening or perhaps even watching for something. ]
…This is not Makai.
[ Another pause, but it’s suddenly permeated by an indrawn breath. He turns so that his face is now just barely visible. A thin frown, sharp features, and three eyes. The frown darkens into a grimace as he hops down from the spire and out of sight, though he can still be heard. ]
[ Jaganshi Hiei was a demon who never needed reassurance, but this defied everything he himself had witnessed. It could be another trap, but even the infamous Makai thief couldn’t stop himself from letting lose a single whisper. ]
[ Silence, and shortly thereafter the recording times out on its own. ]
i see you there,
dead guy isn't dead,
not in makai anymore,
adstring meet your destructive match