dear livejournal,
blah blah blah.
in other news -
just sent in my application for the film/video internship at the walker.
kind of nerve wracking. i really want it. as much as i talk about wanting to leave, wanting to do something not connected to my ridiculous interconnected minneapolis life, this is my ideal and perfect potential internship. so here's to hoping.
the gallery opening for the international photo series goes up on tuesday and that too i am nervous about. i really could use the money they are offering for the winners. and although my photos were not original by any means, they were well composed. here are two of them that fit the criteria:
i start my unofficial internship/shadowing of the junior lit class at arts high tomorrow, which should be pretty great. i am missing a tour/lecture at the Loft with a presentation by Milkweed (oh how i want to work for them) but atleast I will be working with shannon.
that's about it, really.
i started writing fiction again, which feels pretty great.
discovered a new beverage this evening - powers whiskey in a pint glass with strongbow poured atop. pretty marvelous.
my truffle craze is on the outs, which is great for my wallet. now tea cookies are all the rage.