Apr 28, 2006 12:06
Physical beauty (or lack thereof) should and can be measured in trains. The state of the appearance of your face can be measured by the approximate number of trains you appear to have been hit by. For instance, I didn't do my makeup this morning, but because I am not breaking out this week, I look...acceptable. Therefore, I can probably say that my appearance status is at: 1 train.
So if I were to ask you on a particularly bad morning about my train status:
i.e. How many trains, [insert your name here]?
You might say, "Oh man, 4 trains today."
My response would naturally be one of dismay, but also of acceptance.
Another way this can be used:
If you see a person walking down the street, and they are breaking the ugly thermometer at excrutiatingly high levels of aesthetic displeasing-ness, you might make a remark similar to this one:
"Geez, 60 trains for that one."
And that is my enlightening bit of information for to-day.