.Contact Information.
[E-Mail] neiha.lasharie@gmail.com
[Instant Messengers] pinkprincessbutterfly8@hotmail.com on msn; neisharie on aim
Neihuhcherie [Other] Personal journal -
slickdbackburns[Preferred] I practically live on MSN and Plurk so those are where you can catch me the most. My gmail is also on literally all the time. Yeah, my plurk is private but friend request and you shall gain entry!
[Backtagging] I might lose interest but who knows what my mood is like. So it depends!
[Threadhopping] I don't mind! I mean, unless I've expressly made the thread private to another character. But otherwise, in cases where it's likely, by all means! The more the merrier ♥
[Plotting] Love it.
C'mere![Offensive subjects] No problem with anything whatsoever! No problem with smut, some violence is cool too - though I draw the line at some things. I'm a feminist, bisexual Muslim Pakistani. Just saying.
[What's okay to mention around him/her] Do not insult Italians in front of him. He may have been born and brought up in England, but Firo is first and foremost an Italian. And he takes it seriously. Otherwise, he doesn't mind :3
[Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, special abilities, etc] ...apart from the fact that he enjoys talkin' ta people like a Camorrista from Noo Yawk in the Twennies/Thirties sometimes...
[Can I hack that strike or otherwise find out information they'd prefer to keep hidden?] I'll specify that in each post I make if needed or if I haven't, just drop me a line asking! But, yeah, if you can read minds, Firo's mind is totally open. Go right ahead. Poor boy. Though most of his strikes are things you can only read if you squint. Mostly his failed attempts at writing with an accent. He tends to give up halfway through though. But again, if anything else, I'll make that clear.
[Can I troll/mindscrew/mess with in general?] ...just keep in mind that if you're going to seriously try to pick a fight with him, Firo isn't above putting his wand aside in favor of good ol' fashioned fist-to-face fighting. In fact, if you draw blood, there's probably nothing stopping him from returning the favor. And seriously? Unless you're OMG strong, expect to be overwhelmed. He is a very accomplished kickboxer.
That said, if you ARE aiming for hospital-wing type violence, talk to me first?
[Can I spit at/jinx/step on/etc? (i.e. fighting)] See above. Also, he might Transfigurate you. He's good with that.
[Can I flirt with/hug/kiss/use other means of non-violent physical contact with this character?] HE'S ITALIAN MAN. That is to say, yes, go right ahead. Again, I have no issues with smut unlessyourcharacterislike11inwhichcasejfkgjfNO but you're going to have to work your way up to that level. Casual making out is alright even though his personal morals will make him resist. But if your character is persistant...well, he IS a teenager.
[Anything else?] Not at the moment but I may expand on this as CR develops?