Jun 05, 2002 06:02
My bed is too soft. I woke up at 3:30 this morning. I woke up from a dream of Japan, one of those dreams so mundane but, at the same time, so weird, benign, but still so weird that it disturbs you to consciousness. My back hurt. I got out of bed. I'm not sure why my dad was up. Sometimes he wakes up in the night and goes to the study to play his viola with the string mute on. He peed and went back to bed.
Always - most of the times anyway - when I've awoken in the night, one or both of my parents have been awake. My mom doesn't sleep much. She never really has - "I just don't need that much sleep." My dad goes to sleep around 9, 10, 11, and wakes up periodically through the night. They sleep with the TV on, on mute. I think they like the light. My mom grades papers until she goes to bed, right next to my dad as he sleeps lightly, in his boxers and V-neck. Sometimes his boxers get cute and decide not to contain his Nocella Factory so well. He doesnt mind. My mom is getting ready for school right now.
I passed him in the hall, and went down stairs and ate some blueberries and a pretzel. Then I had some warm milk. It's been years since I drank warm milk. I don't usually eat when I wake up at night. I guess I was hungry. My grandmom was awake when I went downstairs to the kitchen. She had the TV on but was only half-watching - its a reflex of hers, to watch TV. It was the second run of Conan O'Brien. James Lipton was the guest. That guy, what a cool fuckin guy. She was asleep 5 mintes later, when I went back upstairs. I stretched my back for a mintute.
I laid in bed for an hour. On my right side, on my back, on my left side, on my back, on my right side, so on. Pillow underneath my lumbar region. Hands behind my head, hands on my chest, hands on my stomach, hands between my knees, under the covers, outside. The pillow hurts my neck when i'm on my back, but works nicely when i'm on my side. Thinking. About frisbee first - Should I take a day off from physical prowess? Fuck, I'm sore. I'll have to call Sean tomorrow. ------ What happens in years to come, what happens to friends over the years. Come on, please, just get me to sleep. Will I be functional tomorrow? Dude, you'll be fine. Shut up and focus. Focus. Fo ^ cus. Hey, I really need to practice parallel parking tomorrow. That's it, I quit.
There's not much to do at 6am. My mom kissed me before she went to work. Its weird how neurotic we feel when we can't get to sleep. There's that pale white hue that comes through the curtains right before dawn, that lightening of the night sky before morning. Before that first light comes, and it's still dark outside, that same light is the light that all our thoughts..... when its dark in my room, my imagination has this light, like moonlight, instead of a yellow-sun-light. Its so pretty, but you can barely see it, its so dark.
I should get a futon. Or something. And breakfast. I should get breakfast.