beccas test

Jun 30, 2004 07:40

I stole this from beccas journal like 10 minutes before i had to go to my str and cond. class
1. Name?: Rocco
2. Age?: 15
3. Birthday?: january 16
4. Nickname(s)?: rocky, big rock i dunno lol, itallian stallion last year
5. Height?: 5'9"
6. Weight?: 155ish
7. Hair Color?: black
8. Eye Color?: L. brown

--Time?: 7:42am


9. How many ppl in your family?: 8 including step
10. Sibilings: 1 step brother 2 step sisters and 1 real sister
11. What's your sibilings name?: lenn, michelle, vanessa, nikki
12. Moms name?: Lorinda
13. Dads Name?: Pete
14. Animal(s)?: 1 dog 2 cats and fish and turtles all over
15. Whats your animal(s) name?: turbo, smokey and pepper, dunno about the fish and turtles
16. Do you get along with everyone in your family?: yea most of the time
17. Does your family understand you?: no!

--Are you listening to any music?...if yes then what?: nope

YoUr FrIeNdS:

18. Who are your bestfriends?: travis, robbie vincent, shaun jones, adam, blake millican, all those peeps, everybody lol
19. Best Guy friend?: i guess for me this would mean 'girl' friend and id have to say becca! =P
20. Which friend is the Sexiest?: all the girls! lol
21. Which is the wildest?: hmm not sure
22. Which friend is the loudest?: i dont think any of them are real loud
23. Which friend do you never get tired of?: any of them!
24. Most annoying friend?: hmm..
25. Which friend do you spend the most time with?: robbie, or travis
26. Which friend is the most althetic?: becca and sara
27. Which of them are hoes or man whores?: shaun jones! who? shaun jones shaun jones, lol jp
28. Do you love all your friends?: fo sheezee!
29. Do you have a crush on any of your friends?: lol no
30. Which friend is the shyest?: travis
31. Most reliable?: all of the girls lol
32. Funniest?: dwayne
33. Fun to be around?: all of them!
34. Most honest?: all the girls again lol
35. The one you can trust the most?: heather !
36. The one you are most alike?: me!

--Are you watching t.v.?....what channel?: nope

HaVe YoU eVeR....:

37. Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
38. gone streaking?: no but i wanna =) and im gonna =)
39. laughed so hard you peed in your pants?: lol no
40. gotten drunk?: no!
41. had wild sex?: all the time, JK no!
42. flashed someone?: nope
43. jumped off a cliff?: lol no but it sounds fun
44. been in Love?: I'm 15!
45. gone skinny diping?: lol noo
46. thought you were fat?: my stomache lol
47. had fantasys of a special someone?: all the time! jk, what special someone?!?
48. had a repeating dream?: nope
49. cheated on homework or test: homework, never on a test though
50. wanted somebody you couldn't have?: yup
51. Stolen anything?: lol i stole a little 2 inch water pistol in 3rd grade
52. gotten high?: no!
53. drank beer?: when i was 3 lol, never again!
54. had a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
55. been in a fist fight?: yah!
56. been in a car accident?: nope
57. Broken a bone?: 2 of em
58. meet someone famous?: not really

--Are you tired?: yea, just got back from str and cond. class


59. Movie?: dawn of the dead!
60. Food?: pork egg rolls
61. Restaurant?: McDonalds, olive garden
62. Language?: english lol
63. School subject?: math
64. Sport?: football
65. Saying/Quote?: i have lots
66. Soda?: i dont drink soda!
67. Ice Cream Flavor?: Mmm vanilla
68. Actor?: Will Smith
69. Actress?: Jennifer Anniston
70. Song?: du hast
71. Band?: metallica!
72. Type of music?: rock, everything is good
73. Place to be?: movies, or a fun party
74. Color?: green
75. Season?: fall-winter

--Is this survey boring you?: the only reason i did it was b/c im bored

ThIs 0r ThAt?:

76. Pop or Rock?: rock
77. Rap or Pop?: rap
78. Rap or Rock?: rock
79. Metal or Rock?: rock
80. Metal or pop?: metal
81. Metal or rap?: both
82. Food or Water?: water
83. Britney or Christina?: christina
84. Ice cream or yogurt?: ice cream
85. Straight or Gay?: STRAIGHT
86. yahoo or google?: yahoooooooo
87. Bush or Kerry?: bush!
88. The O.C. or One tree hill?: neither
89. Ashton Kutcher or Paul Walker?: ashton kutcher
90. Chad michael Murray or James Lafferty?: what chad
91. Adam Brody or Benjamin Mackenzie?: huh?!
92. N*sync or Backstreet Boys?: or, lol
93. Lindsay Lohan or Hilary Duff?: hilary duff
94. Orlando Bloom or Johnny Depp?: those are the ones in lord of the rings right? both!
95. Mary-kate or Ashley?: ashley, mary-kate so so ugly omg, jk lol, BOTH
96. Aslee or Jessica Simpson?: i dont know aslee but i know jessica simpson is RETARDED, so aslee
97. 50 cent or eminem?: eminem
98. MTV or VH1?: mtv
99. TV or Stereo?: tv
100. Tupac or Biggie?: wut??

--Time?: 10:54am

WhAt Do YoU tHinK?:

101. About gay marriage?: not in this country.. =\ ahh
102. Basketball?: ugly lol
103. Volleyball?: fun to watch
104. Baseball/softball?: baseball
105. Soccer?: fun to watch girls play, nto guys though
106. Dodgeball?: that needs to be a real sport! i think they are talking about making it a sport
107. Paintball?: fun!
108. Football?: YEA! lol cant wait! pumped up and ready
109. Tennis?: boring, too quiet
110. Golf?: same as above, i perfer bowling even though i suck bad at it
111. Cheerleading?: wooo! jp lol
112. About OJ simpson?: best running back to ever play
113. About war?: did we have a choice
114. Michael Jackson?: fag child molestor! just as fake as britney spears!
115. School?: sports are fuuuun! i hate classwork and HOEMWORK omg

--Are you going to go to bed after this?: nope

ThE Future:

116. Marriage?: definetly
117. Kids?: as many as i can afford
118. Job?: HHS coach! or street bike racer, or fireman! or saftey inspector!
119. Car?: bike! lol yamaha yzf 2004 R1
120. Who did u get this survey from?: becca
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