venting....dont read if u dont wanna hear it

Feb 06, 2006 16:18

ok sooo ive been thinkin alot lately
n i maybe wrong...but im findin it hard to figure out who i can really trust n whos talkin shit behind my back
now dont get me wrong, people talk shit all the time n im not stupid i know that, im just worried about who it is now
i mean really can i trust u if u tell me somethin someone else says n just say dont tell them i told u? how do i kno u dont do the same thing with me behind my back?
n honestly gettin mad at every single little thing i do is gettin old....really fast
i mean seriously just chill not perfect all the time but neither is anyone else n gettin mad n irritated at me when i dont even kno im doin anything wrong is really rude n uncalled for n im seriously gettin tired of it....
n how is it that when i talk to or sit by someone different for one day all the sudden im pissed off at someone but anyone else can go fuckin walk around with whoever they want n noone says shit
thats some bullshit right there
ive let people walk all over me my whole life n im to the point now where i cant take it anymore
so heres where i draw the line...u treat me like shit im gonna do the same thing to u n dont be surprised because im not playin anymore...
im sick of people blamin every little problem on me just because they kno i wont say anything...well im sick of takin the blame, havin people pissed off at me when i didnt do shit, and bein a fuckin doormat...
so i hope everyones had their fun....b/c no longer am i the may take me awhile but im standin up for myself me a bitch or wutever but thats wut people obviously call me when i dont do shit
so if i have that title im gonna at least do somethin 2 deserve it for once
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