Jul 11, 2007 03:01
It makes me so angry to talk to people who think they know everything but infact know nothing. You got into college? Good job. This is not any qualification for me to believe that you are smart. A degree is not a measure of intelligence, but rather a measure of education.
People are so ignorant and so completely arrogant. I'm sorry you know nothing of the world or the current affairs. I'm sorry you deny the obvious. People make me so mad.
Do you want to know what's wrong with America? The Americans. It's the Americans fault for being stupid and following what the authorities around them say. Don't listen. Learn things for yourself. Poeple in this world will lie to you and hide secrets from you. But whose responsibility is it to make sure you know things? Your own!!! Not the governments, not your public, govenment regulated school. You are responsible for yourself. Be a fucking adult. You think with a public education you have enough information to intelligently debate world issues? You know nothing of world issues. "People suffer in Africa" Do you know why? Do you know how? Do you even know where to start with fixing it? "The people just take it" Yes, because they're lazy right? Um. No. Do you know why your dollar is worth less and less every day? Do you know that our money is issued to us by a privately owned cental bank? Do you know what that means? Do you know who owns most of the wealth in the world? And everything else in it? Do you know anything?
Don't tell me to respect you when you can't even respect yourself. You fucking selfish, self centered, arrogant asshole.
"I'm smarter than 99% of anyone else on the world"
Um... do some thinking. Get things straight. Do you even know what the Patriot Act is? Has anyone even taken time to read this document that keeps you from having any freedom?!?! "I have my rights" When was the last time you did anything and didnt think about whether it was legal first? Yes. That's free alright. "They can search me. I dont care." The road to hell is paved with indifference. I mean... appathy and ignorance go together so well.
You dont know anything. Don't tell me I'm the one who is misinformed and listening only to what the media spoonfeeds the rest of the dumbed down population. Take some initiative! Be active! And KNOW WHAT YOU'RE ACTING FOR AND HOW YOU'RE DOING IT! There are so many people thinking they're doing something but they're just so ineffective and dont even know what they're fighting for!!!
It is a sad day indeed when no one cares.